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How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils

How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils

How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils

Working in cannabis retail for the past two years, I’ve talked to many people who purchase tincture oils, get them home, and have no idea how to dose themselves correctly. Many know how many milligrams of THC they’d like to take, but just aren’t sure how to get there. This is because the dropper is typically measured in milliliters, which simply tells you how much liquid you are intaking rather than mgs of THC. The process to getting there is very simple once you break it down.


First, figure out how many milligrams are in the entire bottle. Now you are going to divide that number by the number of milliliters in the entire bottle. The number you get is how many milligrams are in a full 1ml dropper. Remember that concentration varies between different brands and sizes of bottles so it’s smart to double check your math with each tincture you purchase. I have one bottle at home that contains 4 milligrams in a full dropper, while another is 15 milligrams. Quite a variance.


Example: 530 mgs THC total / 60 ml of liquid in bottle = 8.8 mgs of THC in a full 1 ml dropper. So if you take a 5 mg dose, you’d use slightly more than half the dropper.

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