How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils

How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils | Cape Cod Cannabis Dispensary in Wellfleet, MA - It's worth the trip!

How to Accurately Measure Tincture Oils Working in cannabis retail for the past two years, I’ve talked to many people who purchase tincture oils, get them home, and have no […]


Dosage | Cape Cod Cannabis Dispensary in Wellfleet, MA - It's worth the trip!

Dosage Your dosing will of course vary depending on how you are consuming cannabis. We will start with the easiest method of dosing, which is smoking. Smoking provides you with […]

Cannabis Accessories I’m Thankful for

Cannabis Accessories I'm Thankful for | Cape Cod Cannabis Dispensary in Wellfleet, MA - It's worth the trip!

Cannabis Accessories I’m Thankful for It’s that time of year again. The temperature is dropping, while holiday spirits are rising. As we get ready for Thanksgiving, I wanted to discuss […]

Can I Overdose on Cannabis?

Can I Overdose on Cannabis? | Cape Cod Cannabis Dispensary in Wellfleet, MA - It's worth the trip!

Can I Overdose on Cannabis? Everyone has something called an endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is important for maintaining homeostasis, which refers to various processes that stabilize our internal environment. […]

Which Route of Administration is Best For Me?

Which Route of Administration is Best For Me? | Cape Cod Cannabis Dispensary in Wellfleet, MA - It's worth the trip!

Which Route of Administration is Best For Me? As a budtender, the first question I ask someone during a consultation is always, “how would you like to consume your cannabis?” […]

Stepping into a Dispensary for the First Time

Cape Cod Cannabis

Stepping into a Dispensary for the First Time A first time dispensary visit can be a little overwhelming or intimidating for new users. Depending on the state and dispensary, there […]